Now for those anticipating a classic three-act trancer, well, we’ll refer you back to that previous comment on “epic”. Indeed, the track has something of its own odyssey-like ‘story-within-a-story’ to unwrap. John & Fuenka give the opening minutes to scene-setting ambience, as timbale percussion, chirping cicadas and ethnic harmonies initially swirl those ‘Corruption’ waters deep. In a measured fashion it then enters a five + minute run of hypnotic, progressive throb, applying layers of diving-bell-deep drums, earthmoving bass and coolly curling 303.
Despite its expansive runtime, you’ll never be in any doubt that our protagonists’ have a clear endgame in mind for ‘Corruption’. That’s brought into the sharpest of perspectives around the nine-minute mark, as the towering chime of its majestic leadline rips free with a power that must be heard to be believed.
Again carrying bespoke hand-drawn, JOOF-commissioned artwork, ‘Corruption’s cover echoes the ‘twist’ like ambiguity that’s now been thrown into the album’s storyline. A track you could (and will!) loop for hours, ‘Chapter 3: Corruption’ is available as of today through Spotify (